Yes we are locked down and it looks like it will be for several weeks.
So why don’t you take this time to improve your foreign language skills ?!
Here are my tips on how to learn french from Home !

If you have a computer :
- Facetime lessons with a teacher : we are several techers offering online lessons. If you choose a teacher who lives in your area the advantage is that one day you may see him or her for real ! How to choose the good teacher : you should have a first facetime free and see how you feel with the person, trust you to make the right decision 😉
- Websites : there are plenty of website where you can practice your French. Here is my selection :
1. TV5 Monde :
This website is designed for you to learn with various exercises, you can select the themes and the level.I f you click on « info » you can also watch the news in short videos
The section « Apprendre et enseigner le français » proposes the news on radio with the text underneath. Obviously you know what’s going on so why not listening to it in French and then listening + reading…..After 5 days, you will have all the necessary vocabulary to talk about Covid-19 😉Also your ear will get use to the sound of french and you will understand more and more…. It also offers other subjects to listen or to read, exercises, quiz….per theme and level.
3. Youtube : of course you can find anything on youtube ! So please watch it in French. It is maybe the time to discover some French singers and understand their lyrics OR watch a cartoon, Peppa Pig is a good one as it is very repetitiv :

If you have the French channels on TV :
1. The news are on France 3 at noon & 7pm and TF1 and France2 at 1pm & 8pm. On BFM : Non Stop.
2. If you want to keep your mind busy with something else than the news : Scènes de ménage on M6 at 8pm. Comic scenes of 3 couples in their daily life.
3. Replay on your TV : the french channels offer various american series to watch in French (you can put the subtitles in French as well). If you already watched the serie in English then you don’t need to concentrate too much on the « action ».
NB : replay on TF1 : PEUR DU LAC is a French serie filmed in Annecy, Haute-Savoie, about a virus. The city has to be locked down and several people reminds me something.........
On your Phone : of course there are several apps, the most popular is Duolinguo. It is a bit repetitiv but I must admit that it works for the vocabulary and the habits to structure your sentences. Just do 10-15 min per day…’ll make improvement 😉

If you live in France and have kids:
- Kid’s book : except the old Disney with very complicated past tenses, the other kid’s books are easy to read. You can read on your own or read with your child, I bet that he/she will correct your pronounciation !
- Games :
1. Le Petit Bac : pick up a letter and find themed words starting with this letter. Good for vocabulary.
2. Pense et trouve : think of an object in the room, the other person must question you on the location and then the description. Good for the little position words (sur, sous, devant….)
3. Qui est qui : write a name of a charachter on a post it, place it on your kid’s head and ask him to do the same. Then question each other to find who’s on your post it. Good to practice your adjectives.
Of course, these are only few ideas, you may find other websites other games…..Just be positive and take this unexpected free time to improve your French 😉
For more information, visit our website :
written by Carol, F&C Experience